Placeholder SEP Welcomes Mary Nazzal Batayneh as Brand Ambassador & Partners with Landmark Hotels – SEP Textiles UG


SEP is proud to present new Brand Ambassador Mary Nazzal-Batayneh and its partnership with Landmark Hotels

SEP is proud to present new Brand Ambassador Mary Nazzal-Batayneh and its partnership with Landmark Hotels

Posted on December 17 2015

Mary Nazzal-Batayneh is a barrister, human rights activist, mother and founder of Landmark Hotels.

Mary featured again this year on the Forbes Middle East top 200 Most Powerful Arab Women listMary was also chosen as a Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum as the only Jordanian in the class of 2013. Young Global Leaders are chosen based on their commitment of their time and talent towards making the world a better place.

Mary encompasses everything that the SEP brand stands for: ethical business and a commitment to economic empowerment for refugee communities.

We are delighted that Mary accepted to associate her name to our brand: as a proud customer of SEP she will be telling our story and showing our work worldwide, pro-bono. We are looking forward to developing new collections inspired by her and reaching out to more customers world-wide with our unique hand-embroidered accessories.

Landmark Hotels will house a selection of our precious work for guests to enjoy. Selected rooms will feature the distinct artistic work of the women behind SEP. We are very excited for SEP to be given this opportunity to showcase our work.


Photo Credit Farras Oran - Mary Nazzal-Batayneh and her gray Huda cashmere shawl, Alhambra City Collection 2016

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